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Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12 :: Raised Beds 2.0

Happy belated Independence Day! I managed to glimpse the sun a few times over the holiday weekend and over the last weekend as well. I hope the same was true for you!

Last week the last of the raised beds were completed, see photo below. Three smaller beds, 2' x 4' each, were given floors and casters so they can be rolled into the greenhouse as the temperatures drop this fall. We planted six heirloom tomato plants in these rolling beds and they are nearly drowning!. Tomatoes like to dry out between each watering and our newly transplanted seedlings could really use a dose of dry, sunny weather. Hopefully another warm bright day or two is in our near future.

The nasturtiums in the raised beds are loving the wet weather and have turned themselves into an (edible) leafy jungle. See them pictured below in the closest large raised bed, on the left.

The acorn squash plants behind the nasturtium jungle in the large raised beds are also doing well, although they would greatly benefit from some warm weather. Definitely a late summer crop, squash needs warm soil and light to trigger flower and fruit production.

Wish for more sun friends,

your Hopeful Harvester

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