My cousin and I went to the Common Ground fair this past weekend in Unity, Maine. Put on by Maine Organic Farmers and Growers Association, the fair includes everything from organic produce, flowers, dairy and meat, to discussions about new farming techniques and lectures about bee keeping. Anything you may have wondered about sustainable living in Maine could be answered if you went to the right tent.
Here is a photo journal of our lovely day there and some of the highlights. If you'd like to see a photo full-size, just click on it. Enjoy!
Banks of solar panels were found around the fairgrounds and on vendor's tents to provide power
So much to see! Which way should we go first?
We decided to head towards the livestock. I really like goats and i'd like to have goats one day. They have great personalities. Did you know that? I'm serious, they do. Really.
Here is one of the GIGANTIC cattle we saw. Beth is tall, so you can get the idea how tall this steer is and he's bending down to eat.
Edible peace sign made of beets and lettuce.
All that wandering around made us hungry. Time for a veggie quesadilla made using solar power.
The farmer's market section was amazing. Here's just a glimpse of some of the things for sale.
One of my reasons for attending the fair was to buy garlic for our gardens here at USM. On the way I got a little distracted...
and a bike parade!
After our long day we enjoyed a walk through the dappled sunshine of the woods on the way back to the parking lot.
I did buy garlic and met some interesting people. Check back next week for further details.
Until then!
Grow on,
Your Tireless Traveler
Until then!
Grow on,
Your Tireless Traveler
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