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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

December 1 :: Winter Again? So Soon?

December sneaked up on me!

Looking back at the post I made on December 1st 2009, i realize that it contains some of the same news i wanted to share on this day, exactly one year later. At least i'm consistent!

Same as last year, the heat and water were turned off to the greenhouse during the final week of November. The day before Thanksgiving I had help removing the remaining pepper plants (i had spicy peppers ripening right up until the end), spinach (which only matured enough during our cool autumn to be harvested once), parsley and swiss chard.

Now all the inside beds are officially empty. The runner bean, french tarragon, and chives will remain in their pots inside the greenhouse through the winter. Hopefully they will survive!

Outside the rolling bins have been moved under the patio's overhang to make it easier to remove snow from the patio and the greenhouse will double as snowblower storage. To protect them from freezing and thawing repeatedly i brought the hoses and some other tools inside.

Tune in next week for statistics from this past growing season during which the greenhouse and rolling beds were more than twice as productive as the previous year. I plan to go through my records and add up all the harvests. Hooray for progress!

Grow on,


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