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Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Attack of the aphids!!!!

OK, they weren't really attacking, but if they were smart enough, they could have!! A couple of weeks ago I noticed my snow peas burning in the sun, so I moved them over to the shade. I harvested 1 quart of snow peas (see last post) and I check on them this week, and all the plants look dead! Since one of my spinach beds inside was not producing as much as the other, I thought I'd replant more peas inside. I pulled all of the spinach up and saw a few aphids, but when I pulled the pea plants up there must have been a hundred or more of those little buggers!

Water can in hand, I went straight to the kitchen for some vegetable oil, water, and soap (no bleach), a natural remedy for aphids I found online previously. I was surprised that this instantly killed them! I'm going to add compost and wait a day before transplanting tomatoe plants into that container as well as wait to replant my peas. Hopefully the aphids will not return!

It has been hot in Gorham! Check out the progress and enjoy the heat....

Left: Cucumbers Right: Sunflowers


Pickling cucumbers inside have grown a lot in the past week!

Jalapenos are beginning to flower!

Hot and bell peppers doing great!

Pole beans taking over the lights!

And beginning to flower :)


Squash (hope there's room)!

Chamomile has flowered a lot!

Cherry tomatoes are beginning to show!

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